Thursday, 3 March 2016

Top Ten Most Weird World Records

10. Largest (Only) Airplane Eater

Unimaginable, how a person can eat a plane? It’s one of the most weird world records, isn’t it? With a knack for eating things that would make a grown man cringe, including razor blades, light bulbs, and glass bottles, Michel Lotito holds the world record for eating the largest airplane. To be fair, however, he also holds the world record for the ONLY person to eat an airplane. With a stomach lining twice as thick as the average man’s, Lotito spent two years dismantling and eating a Cessna 150 in the early 1990s. Although he had to take a lot of it apart with a sledgehammer and an acetylene torch, he bit most of the glass windows right off the plane, chewed them up, and swallowed them. So far, no one else has dared to top his record.

9. Most Live Rattlesnakes Held In Mouth

Jackie Bibby has, since 2009, held the world record for the most live rattlesnakes held in his mouth. In front a live audience, Bibby held 11 fully grown rattlesnakes by the rattle for 10 seconds using nothing but his mouth. Unbelievably, he was not bitten at all.

8. Longest Time of Full Body Contact In Snow

Set in snowy China, Jin Songhao decided he was going to set one of the most weird world records for the longest time of full body contact in the snow back in January 2011. Wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, a hat, and a pair of rather stylish sunglasses, Songhao lasted 46 minutes and 7 seconds in a pile of snow. He drank beer and ate spicy curry the whole time to keep himself warm.

7. Longest Fingernails

This is an unbelievable and one of the most weird world records. Chris Walton, known to her fans as “The Duchess”, holds the world record for the longest fingernails. Currently 47, Walton just up and decided to stop cutting her nails 19 years ago. Claiming to have only lost a nail once while fixing her car, Walton’s nails now collectively measure 10 feet and 2 inches on her left hand and 9 feet and 7 inches on her right hand.

6. Most Hula-Hoopers in One Spot

There’s nothing like a bit of exercise than a little hula-hooping at the park. At least that’s what 4,483 people thought when they took the world record for the most hula-hoopers in one place in February 2013. Hosted at the Thammasat University stadium in Bangkok, these hula-hoopers swung their hips for 7 minutes in unison.

5. Most Fried Rice

At a fair in Costa Rica in February 2013, 52 chefs set the world’s record for the most amount of Cantonese fried rice cooked in one pan. With a supersized gas stove crafted specifically for this challenge, the chefs created a massive mound of fried rice that weighed almost 3,000 pounds and served over 7,000 people.

4. Most Naked People On A Roller Coaster

This is an eye-catching and one of the most weird world records. When thrills and chills are at the top of the night’s agenda, it just doesn’t get much better than the world record for the most naked people on a roller coaster. 102 riders set this record on August 8th, 2010 in Southeast England. To this day, no group has been able to beat this record. To be fair, though, the biggest challenge, other than finding 103 people who WANT to be naked on a roller coaster, is finding a theme park that will let them do it.

3. Biggest Flag

Most Weird World Records : biggestflag
Like many records, the world’s biggest flag was specifically created to take the world record and was raised in Clinceni, Romania. The flag measured 1,146 feet long and 744 feet tall, taking up as much space as over 8 American football fields.

2. Biggest Aquarium

The biggest aquarium in the world can be found in Singapore at the Resorts World Sentosa’s S.E.A. Aquarium. This behemoth of a fish tank holds over 80,000 animals from 800 different species and contains over 42.9 million liters of water. To contain this much water, the aquarium also holds the world’s record for the largest acrylic panel.

1. Biggest Onion

Most Weird World Records : Biggest Onion
Most Weird World Records : Biggest Onion
One of the most weird world records is to have the biggest onion in the world. Since September 2011, a man named Pete Glazebrook from Northern England has held the world record for the largest onion in existence. The onion weighed 17 pounds and measured over 2 feet in length. While many farmers have attempted to outdo the record, no one else has yet been able to grow a larger onion than Pete’s.

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