10. Most of the Experienced Speedcubers can solve this puzzle Under 6 seconds
World record holders like Lucas Etter (4.90Sec), Mats Valk (5.55sec), Feliks Zemdegs (5.66sec), Collin Burns(5.25sec) and others like them solved the rubik’s cube under 6 seconds. Most of them use the Fridrich method to solve rubik’s cube. Speedsolving requires a lot of algorithm, a good cube, lubrication, and full dedication to Rubik’s cube, which only one rokee can possess.
9. Puzzle was invented by Hungarian sculptor and Professor Erno Rubik in 1974
The puzzle was first invented by Hungarian sculptor and Professor Enro Rubik cube in 1974 making it 42 years completion.
8. Lucas Etter is currently fastest speedcuber
Lucas Etter is given credit for solving the rubik’s cube in 4.90 seconds, the current world record holder of solving 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube. He is faster than Collin Burns by 0.3 sec, the previous world record holder.
7. Popular speedsolving methods are Fridrich, Petrus, ZZ, Roux.
There are several methods for solving rubik’s cube. Some employ layer by layer method and some employ block building method. Fridrich, Petrus, ZZ, Roux are often used by speedcubers.
One of most common Methods used by speedcubers is fridrich method. This method is also called as CFOP. In this method cross is first made. Then the first layer corner and middle layer edges are solved simultaneously. This is followed by Orienting the Last Layer, making all the color same on top; and Permutation of Last Layer, moving the top layer on the desired position, then the cube will be solved. This method highly relies on algorithm. This method needs 120 algorithm to solve this in one-look. Average number of moves required by this method to solve the rubik’s cube is 55. Jessica Fridrich is given credit for popularizing this method online.
A well-known method is Petrus, developed by Lars Petrus. This method consists of:
- Build a 2x2x2 corner
- Expand it to 2x2x3
- Orienting the edges using three-move algorithm
- Solve the complete first two layer
- Permute the remaining corner
- Orient the remaining edge, and finally
- Permute the final edges
6. It would take 1400 TRILLION YEARS to go through all possible configurations.
5. The puzzle is made up of 26 miniature pieces known as ‘cubelets’ or ‘cubies’
Rubiks cube is made of 6 center pieces, 12 edge pieces and 8 corner pieces. The centers pieces contain only one color and denote the face colour of the cube. The edge pieces contain two colors, and ultimately the corner pieces contain 3 colors. These 6+12+8=26 pieces constitute the whole cube.
4. Rubik’s Cube is 42 years old
He did not know the solution of the puzzle. It took him over a month to find the solution of the cube.
3. Best selling Puzzle Worldwide over 350 million making it #1
Till now worldwide over 350 million Rubik’s cubes have already been sold, making it one of the best-selling toys. Worldwide every one of six people can solve the rubiks cube.
2. Every legal permutation can be solved in 20 moves or less
Every legal permutation of Rubik’s cube can be solved in 20 moves or less. This number 20 is also referred to as God’s Number. No scrambled states need more than 20 moves to solve any Rubik’s cube.
1. A 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube has 43 Quintilian possible configurations
It has been calculated that a Rubik’s Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible permutations.
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